
iPeat’s new look: Intent

I recently watched this TED video given by John Hockenberry on design. But the message was clearly about intent and how our own self image of how we perceive and project our self effect how others perceive us. Which reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


So this along with couple of recent podcasts from Pamela Slim’s Escape From Cubicle Nation podcast (Grow your business through referrals: expert interview with Bob Burg & The dirty little marketing secret no one is telling you). Got me thinking I should do a little redesign myself and do a better job projecting my self image. Not only through design, as you see I gave my site quick redo, but also actions, and attitude. So the past couple weeks my new mantra has become intent.

P.S. I am heading to the ISTE conference in San Diego in a week, which was also a motivating factor as I hope to meet some great new contacts.

Catch 22

Book cover for Catch 22Read this for the first time earlier this year. The insane world of war as seen through the eyes of Yossarian had my mind doing back flips trying to follow all the different story lines to one of the more enjoyable reads I have had. I highly recommend it. Morning Edition’s Lynn Neary revisited the book last Thursday as it turn 50 years old:

When Catch-22 was first released, it wasn’t universally well-received. Until then, books about war tended to be serious works, often tragic in tone. Heller’s war was a black comedy, filled with orders from above that made no sense and characters who just wanted to stay alive. The novel seemed to offend some reviewers. The New York Times called it an “emotional hodgepodge.” But other critics took on the book as a cause.

‘Catch-22’: A Paradox Turns 50 And Still Rings True

Delicious’ passing … new options arise

With the news of Delicious’ demise, some of the alternatives I have found have an interesting take on collecting links an present them with more curated feel.  Although there is always a place for a good tag cloud.  I think this much more potential as tool for event or topic tracking.  I use delicious as a tool in education to provide one link for all supporting material for workshops and show faculty how to use it in their own classes.  Check out these examples using’s new bundles and

Bot SPAM fail

Yesterday I received this @ reply in twitter:

C21Oakville meant to b answered i guess RT SheLuvsEMO: Omg_ItsAshCash Mannnnnn WTF was yo question?!? Lol  ‘

Followed by the link I was suppose to click on. This is about the 4th or 5th of these I have received the last couple weeks.  My question is what human is this suppose to fool.  I don’t eve know what it is attempting to say.  Is the bot just pulling random parts from other tweets?

Patrons grow hostile

I apologize for the long delay.  I’m now beginning work on bug fixes and new version sorry for delay.  Please go here to submit issues and ideas and vote on the ones you’d most like to see! 2.0 Feature Suggestions or 1.0.8. Bug Fixes (things that need fixed or ideas on how to)

P.S. if in the delay you have found another plugin that fills this whole please let me know. Because I’m not vain and will gladly point everyone else in that direction. I’ve been just trying to keep this feature alive. Also, will gladly accept and credit any assistance offered in making this plugin again viable.

As I work I’ll post alphas to the Category Visibility Plugin page.