Category Visibility Plugin v1.0.8 now available

I have update the current version of CatVis for 2.7 compatibility.  Previously mentioned updates are still planned for ver. 2. I am in the process of moving to a new city and job so version 2 may take longer than originally planned.  Other changes you will notice in this update is that I have stripped link categories and tags. Some of you will really appreciate this some may hate me. The plan is to bring both back in version 2 properly located within the new structure. Please continue to give me feedback.

Category Visibility Plugin

Matt Millen Erie Connection?

Did anybody hear the Football Today Podcast on Oct. 9th?  Jeremy Green was talking with Bill Williamson about the Raiders.  When they got to the subject of possibly hiring a general manager, Matt Millen’s name came up and Jeremy Green said quote.

Its a long flight from Oakland back to Erie, Pennsylvania

So my question is this does Matt Millen reside here in Erie, PA and what is his connection here?

Officially an Erie-ite

I am now officially an Erie-ite. Once I get settled in a week or so I will update to 2.6 and begin updating Category-Visibility. Goal is to have a new version out mid to late August.  Have already been playing with 2.6 on a few other sites and like what I have seen. Also, keep an eye out for soon to explode on the Erie scene….


And the people rejoice

As you all know the release of WordPress 2.5.1 has exposed a new bug in my Category Visibility plugin.  It causes the home page to show no results.  Sometimes you need to just step away from the code for a while and then when you come back the answer is so obvious it smacks you right in the face.  The culprit seems to be some left over code from my predecessors that did a check on the query variables before passing to the is_home join.  So the problem was not in the where but the join portion of the code. I haven’t yet tested older systems but it seems to work well with 2.5.1.  In this process I found 3 additional bugs so a more fleshed out version will be available soon.  However, I thought you all want your front pages back first.

Category Visibility Update

Franken CatVis SimpEx plugin

Temporary relief is here in the form of a mashup up of Simple Exclude by Paul Menard  and the List feature of Category Visibility by iPeat.  This is not an official release. Those of you who are brave enough, can try this out until either Paul or I can come up with a plugin answers all your needs.

  • I have been trying to figure out what changed from 2.5 to 2.5.1 that has caused my where clause on the home/ main page to break  with little results.  In that time I have found the Simple exclude Plugin by Paul Menard, it accomplish most of the same goals with a very different method.
  • To fill the hole that it misses I have mashed in part of my plugin.
  • In doing so have found about 3 additional bugs in both mine plugin and his mainly having to do with categories and archives. Plus the absences of managing the Link Categories.

So I post this Alpha Plugin To help you get by

To install please follow these steps:

  1. Reactivate Category Visibility if you have deactivated it.
  2. Make sure all categories have been checked.
  3. Deactivate Category Visibility.
  4. Activate the Frankenstein Plugin.
  5. List Category Visibilty can be found under Manage.
  6. Simple Exclude can be found under Settings.

Category Visibility Update

FYI – After looking at a recent comment on my site it seems there is another option out there besides my Category Visibility called Simply Exclude. It looks like he is still having some bugs but his system is a little slicker than mine and it adds Page search exclusion. While it works with 2.5 like mine does it still isn’t in the 2.5 mind set with separate management for post, links, and tags. So, I am going to keep working on my 2.0 version.