Category Visibility Bug with the release of WP 2.5.1

The release of WordPress 2.5.1 has exposed a new bug in my Category Visibility plugin.  It causes the home page to show no results.  I have narrowed it down to the home where clause but haven’t figured out what is causing it yet. The rest of the plugin’s functionalities seem to be working fine so if you have upgraded and don’t use the front page functionality or don’t want to sacrifice the rest of the plugins functionality by deactivating it.  Simply make this change to the plugin and I will keep working on a fix to bring back the Front page functionality.

Change Lines 279 and 280 to:
//$where .= ” AND ($wpdb->term_taxonomy.taxonomy=’category’)”;
//$where .= ” AND (($cat_visibility.front=1 AND $lc”;

Category Visibility Plugin v1.0.5 now available

Bug fixes are:

Broken Install Code and title_li option for wp_list_categories tag

For those of you who had the problem were it just plain didn’t work this was caused by the fact that the install code called upon activation wasn’t creating the cat_visibility table apposed to those who were just upgrading from a previous version the table was already in existences

Category Visibility Plugin